Tantasy – A Gobful

Konrad Hurrell

We thought they might be in hiding after the Test Match, but the Tantasy boys are back and actually pretty proud of their boys efforts.  Far better than their efforts picking first try scorer, that’s for sure!

As always, the boys answer your questions about NRLCEO and preview this week’s NRL games with a focus on who you should be selecting in your sides.

Lastly, the SOS call outs have been renamed in honour of Konrad Hurrel this week, so tune in to find out what it is.

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The boys from across the ditch, Mark and Mike, have been playing NRLCEO for five years and have a competitive private league called Tantasy. They join us from a roof in NZ drinking bourbons instead of Cruisers, but having a good laugh along the way.


The boys from across the ditch, Mark and Mike, have been playing NRLCEO for five years and have a competitive private league called Tantasy. They join us from a roof in NZ drinking bourbons instead of Cruisers, but having a good laugh along the way.