Tantasy – Origin Outcomes


Recording straight after Origin, there is one big game hot on the lips of the boys and Mikey is on Cloud 9.

NSW got the victory, but there was only a bees dick in it. Regardless, there’s plenty to talk about as always.

The boys also run their eye over Round 15 from an NRLCEO perspective. With Origin and regular injuries, there is no better time to try and snaffle a hidden gun.

As always, download on iTunes or listen below…

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The boys from across the ditch, Mark and Mike, have been playing NRLCEO for five years and have a competitive private league called Tantasy. They join us from a roof in NZ drinking bourbons instead of Cruisers, but having a good laugh along the way.


The boys from across the ditch, Mark and Mike, have been playing NRLCEO for five years and have a competitive private league called Tantasy. They join us from a roof in NZ drinking bourbons instead of Cruisers, but having a good laugh along the way.