Tantasy Podcast with Kevin Naiqama

Kevin Naiqama Tantasy Header

Another massive Tantasy Podcast this week as the boys go past the one hour mark. They preview all the action for Round 17 of NRLCEO and answer your questions.

Mark has a chat with Tigers and NRLCEO superstar Kevin Naiqama. They chat about the best centres in the game, the inspiration for Kevin’s high top and some of the fantastic community work that he does in his spare time.

Download on iTunes through your podcast app, download direct to your phone or listen from the player below…

For more information on the fantastic work that Kevin Naiqama and Kane Evans do in the community, check out the news story below and we encourage you to donate where you can.

If you are enjoying the show, please leave a review on iTunes.

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The boys from across the ditch, Mark and Mike, have been playing NRLCEO for five years and have a competitive private league called Tantasy. They join us from a roof in NZ drinking bourbons instead of Cruisers, but having a good laugh along the way.


The boys from across the ditch, Mark and Mike, have been playing NRLCEO for five years and have a competitive private league called Tantasy. They join us from a roof in NZ drinking bourbons instead of Cruisers, but having a good laugh along the way.